Monday, May 16, 2016

New Piece

I know it has been long between posts, but here is a small piece I wrote for a topic activity in one of my university units. It is intended to be an attempt at realism, a genre I've never really dabbled in deliberately before.
You can find the writing in the Poet's Book, here:

Friday, January 29, 2016

Simple Meal Ideas #1

This was something I tried last night and had been wanting to all week. I realised that my mum and I were getting caught up in creating somewhat extravagant meat dishes in that we were trying to do too much to the meat to make it different.
In reality, all we needed to do was try basic flavour combinations with whatever meat we chose. As such, I chose to do the following recipe that I made up in my mind and I will outline here.

Herbed chicken:
- chicken thighs (I had 3 from a butcher, but buy as many as you think you need)
- butter
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
- fresh or dried herbs (I had thyme in my garden and dried oregano in the cupboard)

Melt butter in a pan, add oil, salt and pepper. With fresh herbs, cook them off for a minute or two before adding the meat. The meat can be cut as big or as small as you want. Obviously, cook the chicken until it's cooked through, but not tough.

It's insanely simple and easy to do, so why did I bother putting something like that on my blog when it would seem like anyone could think of that? Because sometimes they don't and it can be the inspiration for a another dish altogether.
As for how it was finished off, keep the butter and oil with the meat; it maintains the moisture and flavour. We roasted potatoes and sweet potato in oil in the oven (we usually add garlic, salt and pepper), and steamed a few greens. It generally makes for a decent meal.